Victorian Closet Drama

Performed at Alumnae Theatre, written by Nina Kaye, Directed by Kyra Keith

Vin and Pod

Performed at York University’s Audio Theatrica, written by Tamara Mobarak, Directed by Sarah Miller

Victor and Priscilla Go To The Circus

Performed at Theatre Gargantua, written by Nina Kaye, Directed by Kyra Keith

The Tabella

Performed at Theatre@York’s 2021-2022 Season by The Great Escape Collective

Hold Your Hand

Presented at Barrie Film Festival, Directed and Written by Will Noble, recipient of Best Short Film award - Presented by TD 2023

The Ensemble-16mm

Written by Emma Murphy, Directed by Alessia Racco

Meat Market

Performed at playGround Festival 2023, Written and Directed by Alex Boese and Shaun Soutar

The Trying Times of Sister Bunny

Performed at Toronto Fringe Festival 2021 by The Nightlight Collective